Continuous Automatic Monitoring
of the orchard’s yield and health
The LeafSense technology combines Artificial Intelligence and Smart Sensors to enable
Precision Agriculture in the fruticulture, optimizing productivity and reducing costs.
LeafSense Benefits
Economy on Agrochemical's
application. Cost savings and less
environmental footprint
Application of the exact
amount, at the right place
Fruits kept on the tree until
the best harvest time
Continuous monitoring
of the plant’s life
Up-to-date information for
quick management decision
Increased reach for
the agronomist
Leafsense sensors scout through
the orchard, analyzing every tree
100% orchard monitoring
Normal operating speed
Without human intervention
Compatible with all commercially
available agricultural machines
Advanced diagnostics algorithms
and forecasting models
High-resolution imagery is blended with climate, soil and farm management data.
Resulting in detailed information on the evolution and health of orchards.
Agronomists can teach the system, making predictions increasingly accurate.
Up-to-date information
anytime and anywhere
• High-resolution images of the trees
• Maturation curve
• Average fruit size
• Indication of fruits on the ground
• Distribution of tree heights
• Canopy volume
• Absent tree and vine covering detection
• Blossoming rate and flower presence
• Anomaly and deficiencies detections
• Temporal evolution of the metrics and indicators
• Comparison between planting parcels, dates and farms
Spot orchard imbalances
easily with heatmaps and
overlapping indicators
Fruits on the ground
Tree height/ absent trees
Canopy volume
Presence of flowers
Anomaly and diseases
Access to actionable
information in one click
Quickly view specific regions of the farm on the map, look at the detailed images, compare and access temporal evolution of the areas.
Agronomists can scout through entire farms, comparing characteristics and historical data, to diagnose problems and replicate best practices.
New paradigm for
Pest and Disease Control
Continuous Monitoring
Eliminates conventional inspections. No more human subjectivity
Artificial Intelligence & Smart Sensors
Spot anomalies before they become perceptible to the human eye
Early Detection
Reduces losses caused by diseases and helps to avoid disease spreading